Callwave Internet Answering Machine Software. Never miss a call! Stay online without missing important calls! Hear your caller's message instantly on your PC speakers or click a button to talk to your caller.
This is the internet's best service for managing your incoming calls, your security and your life! he Caller ID and Caller Name features enable you to see the telephone number and name of the person calling you when you're online. Even before you hear a caller's message, you'll see their name and telephone number displayed in the CallWave window. You'll know who called even if they don't leave a message. The main features include: * Hear who's calling while you're online, or use the Take The Call feature to talk to your caller.
* Avoid the cost of a second phone line.
* Get your own business phone number at no additional cost.
* The CallWave software downloads in about a minute. It's EASY!
* No credit card required.
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